Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Interview With Lucia Eames

Lucia Eames
Pictured above is Lucia Eames, the only child of Charles and Ray and the founder of the Eames Foundation. In 2005, an interview with Lucia about the preservation of the Eames House and its legacy was published in Metropolis magazine. Below are some highlights from the interview.

"The preservation of the house and studio is clearly a huge issue, but what about moving the foundation forward in the future?"

"Its not enough to focus on the past. We have to make Charles and Ray's work relevant to future generations. The house will always give a feel for their approach. It's very tangible, almost primary source material. There's a wonderful quote from Charles about making connections, where he talks about 'the details, the details, the details,' Well, that's true. But their work was also about the joy and rigor between work and play. That's another primary source. An exhibition like Mathematica presents information not to make it beautiful but to make new connections that are so carefully researched that an expert would feel, 'Mmm, yes, that's right' and a young, bright child would think, 'Ahh!'"

"Once the foundation is in place, will you make the house and studio more open to the public?"

"On the fiftieth anniversary of the house we had seminars here, and it worked out well. It was no more than ten people, but it provided a different kind of experience, I also think it could serve as a benefit for someone willing to help with the foundation. I really hope that in the first ten years of the foundation, the companies and people we work with will tell success stories about how such nd such a product line came out of time spent at the Eames studio. There's someone about this place that's so much about the built environment and the natural world... Preservation is great, but if you're not doing something that contributes to the future, if you're only looking backwards, then you're not honoring the ideas behind the house.

Source: "At Home With Lucia" by Paul Makovsky from Metropolis Jan 2005

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